Friday, December 25, 2020

RIP Lucy Tovar


Mexican actress Lucy Tovar dies

She was the niece of Lupita Tovar from Oaxaca, star of the movie "Santa"

Dallas News

November 2, 2020

The film and television actress Lucy Tovar died yesterday at the age of 68, confirmed the National Association of Interpreters (ANDI), without giving details of the cause of death. “The Directive Council and the Vigilance Committee of ANDI Mexico communicate the sensitive death of the interpreter Lucy Tovar. Remembered for her participation in Corazon Salvaje, Como Gallos De Pelea and Extranos Caminos Del Amor.

"Our condolences to his family and friends," published the society.

Lucy was the niece of the Oaxacan actress Lupita Tovar, who in 1932 starred in the film Santa. 

According to national media, Lucy had an infection in her stomach, as well as in her lungs, a situation that worsened in recent days.

Through the networks, friends of the star expressed their condolences, among which Laura Zapata, Chantal Andere and Mauricio Herrera stand out. 

Among her first works as an actress are Mecánica Nacional (1972), the series El Manantial del Milagro (1974) and Como Gallos de Pelea (1977).

Her last appearances were in Yo Amo a Juan Querendon in 2007 and some episodes in the La Rosa de Guadalupe series, between 2009 and 2010 

In addition to being in fron of the spotlight, Lucy also developed production and directing skills.

In 1975, the actress had an affair with American Burt Reynolds, who died in 2018 due to cardiac arrest. 

Lucy Lived in the United States with her daughter and granddaughter. 


Born: 1952, Mexico City, Federal District, Mexico

Died: 11/1/2020, El Paso, Texas, U.S.A.

Lucy Tovar’s western – actress:

Zacazonapan - 1976

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