Saturday, April 27, 2024

RIP Kelvin Crumplin


By Sue

April 21, 2024


First of all I apologise to those friends of Kel’s who have written messages that I haven’t been able to answer but I will do my best when I can……..And now for the sad news  Your friend and my lover boy Kel, lost the good fight in the early hours of Saturday morning UK time. As you can imagine I am grief stricken and yesterday was an emotional rollercoaster so even looking at his phone was too much to bear. I miss him so very much. I only knew him for 8 years but he was ‘Simply The Best’. He was unique with a heart of gold as many of you can testify to……..always ready to help others particularly when he had his film labs both in Sydney and Perth. He was there to support such greats as Cate Blanchett and her husband Andrew Upton when they were unknowns and worked with Ryan Gosling at the start of his career. Not only actors but new young film makers too as you might have read about from comments made on my previous post. Kelvin was so passionate about film and about life! We crammed so much fun and laughter into our God given 8 years…….the happiest years of my life Our first date was to see a film…..yes you guessed it - A Western, his favourite genre! It was “The Hateful Eight” by Tarantino and

I’ll never forget that 1st date because it was on the eighth of January 2016. Another passion that had played such an important part in his life was the regiment of the Royal Green Jackets. He joined as a boy soldier at the age of 15 and a half but being a bit of a rebel, he told me he ended up in the gaol house a few times, but they managed to knock some sense into him with the discipline he needed, and he was never as proud as when he was marching with the men. He was an excellent bugle player and a top-notch rifle shooter - any RFG reading this, please pull me up if I’m wrong because it may have been a gun not a rifle. Kelvin directed the film for the RGJ 50th reunion in Winchester in 2016 and the video will stay in the archives for posterity. What a contribution to have made to the RGJ. He was a perfectionist in everything he did whether operating the camera, directing or producing. He was never shy to give it a go with anything. From DIY to photography, he was IT! Both artistic and practical and the man I loved…..Sorry I’m feeling emotional.

Kel was looking forward to the RGJ reunion in Winchester in July this year and catching up with the lads in ‘The Royal Oak’. To his mates…..Raise a glass to your mucker Kel won’t you on the day. We were there last year even though it wasn’t a reunion year because he knew some of his mates would be there and a jolly time was had by all I know this has been a long post but I hope you have found it interesting.

Your friend and my lover boy Kel was an exceptional and unique human being whose been taken from us far too soon and who is sadly missed.

                Ride high cowboy Kel…..See ya later pal……Love Ya from all of us


Born: 1947, Sydney, Australia

Died: 4/20/2024, Bournemouth, England, U.K.


Kelvin Crumplin’s western – producer, cameraman:

Four Winds - 2013

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