Tuesday, May 14, 2024

RIP Luis María Serra


Luis María Serra, composer of the curtain of Almorzando con Mirtha Legrand and the soundtrack of emblematic Argentine films, has died

The news was confirmed to LA NACIÓN by his son; He was chosen by directors such as Daniel Tinayre, Leonardo Favio, Enrique Carreras, María Luisa Bemberg and Alejandro Doria, among others, and won numerous awards throughout his career

La Nacion

May 13, 2024


Luis María Serra, known for composing the original music for films such as La Mary, Camila, Yo, la peor de todas and Juan Moreira, among others, has died at the age of 82. The sad news was confirmed to LA NACIÓN by Santiago Serra, son of the man who was also the author of "Empress," the popular curtain of the television series Almorzando con Mirtha Legrand.

"After making the music for the film La Mary, Daniel Tinayre, its director, who had been very happy with that work, asked me to compose the new musical curtain for Mirtha Legrand's program," the composer had told journalist Pablo Mascareño a few years ago. "As I had fallen in love with the music of the trumpeter Jean-Claude Borelly, I composed something that had a great prominence of that instrument and to record I called the best trumpeter of the Teatro Colón," he recalled in that interview, in addition to underlining the specific request he had received from the director: "Make me something imperial, like for a queen."

The song became a true hallmark of the long-running program, and the diva was very grateful to Serra for the work done. In fact, sometime later he summoned him to compose another song for his program, and thus "Brillando Mirtha" was born, the one that begins by stating that "Mirtha has already arrived, she is again, shining brightly she arrived, the Legrand".

However, Serra's work goes far beyond what he did with the curtains of "La Chiqui": in addition to setting La Mary to music, he is the author of the soundtracks of Juan Moreira, Leonardo Favio; Camila, Miss Mary and I, the Worst of All, by María Luisa Bemberg; and The Ship of Fools, by Ricardo Wullicher, to name just a few titles. In theater, meanwhile, he collaborated with Pepito Cibrián in the musical Aquí no podemos hacer. As confirmed by Sadaic, the author had joined the entity in 1973 and, in total, had 260 works registered.

"My grandmother played the piano very well and was a friend of Montbrun Ocampo, a great folklorist, hence the influence of music that led me to study, when I was almost a child, with different teachers and, more formally, in a conservatory in Pueyrredón and Córdoba," he explained. Serra also detailed what his work with the directors was like: "The first step is to read the book, but the talks with the directors are fundamental, since they have the plot in images. (...) If [inspiration] doesn't show up, I provoke it. You have to work hard."

These compositions led him to obtain prizes from ACE, Sadaic, Florencio Sánchez, Argentores, Municipal, Trinidad Guevara and Estrella de Mar, among many others, which Serra treasured in his apartment in Barrio Norte, along with hundreds of scores. His work also earned him the respect of many of his peers, who remembered him with special admiration and affection on social media.

"It is far from me to make a cybernetic obituary, but many people close to me, known and loved are starting from this earthly plane and beyond believing that recognitions should be made in life, remembering the people you have known, respected and admired, when they leave, is a form of gratitude that we have today through the internet. Luis María Serra, a great composer, musician and person I met when he composed, together with Pocho Leyes, the soundtrack of Leonardo Favio's film, Juan Moreira, has passed away," singer Orlando Netti wrote on his Twitter account. "He had an enormous talent and has shown it throughout his extensive career as the creator of different cinematographic works, different television programs and various orchestras that he has conducted. His bonhomie and serenity also identified him as notorious characteristics of his way of being. My sincere admiration and heartfelt evocation of his figure."

"It is with great sorrow that we say goodbye to Luis María Serra, a great musician and wonderful person. Farewell, Luis!", the Secretary of Culture of the Nation Leonardo Cifelli posted on the same social network.

Serra had been battling cancer and complications from Alzheimer's for some time. His remains will be laid to rest this Tuesday, from 2:30 p.m., in the Garden of Peace in Pilar.

SERRA, Luis María

Born: 3/2/1942, Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Died: 5/13/2024, Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Luis María Serra’s westerns – composer:

Juan Moreira – 1973

Los irrampibles - 1975

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