Thursday, September 5, 2024

RIP Manuel Antin


Manuel Antín, master of Argentine cinema, dies

He was 98 years old. He directed a celebrated trilogy of films based on works by Julio Cortázar. His legacy includes the founding of the Universidad del Cine and the eradication of censorship when he took over as head of INCAA in December 1983.


Saptember 5, 2024


Manuel Antín, a key figure in Argentine cinema, has died at the age of 98. Born on February 27, 1926 in Las Palmas, Chaco, Argentina, Antín made a difference in the country's film industry both for his filmography and for his role in various institutions related to cinema. He was a filmmaker, screenwriter, producer, playwright, poet, former director of INCAA, founder of the Universidad del Cine and teacher. He is an indispensable figure in the history of Argentine cinema.

In his career, Antín directed and produced multiple feature films, including Don Segundo Sombra (1969) and a trilogy of film adaptations of Julio Cortázar's work: La cifra impar (1962), based on the story "Cartas de mamá"; Circe (1964), based on the work of the same name; and the feature film Intimacy of the Parks (1965), which takes up "Continuity of the Parks" and "The Idol of the Cyclades".

Both worked together through an intense correspondence of letters and audios sent by mail: while the director prepared the production and filmed in Argentina, the writer, already settled in France, sent his contributions to the construction process.

His vision and talent allowed him not only to shine as a filmmaker but also to leave an indelible mark on the Universidad del Cine (FUC), which he founded in 1991. This institution trained new generations and consolidated its position as a vital space for learning and film production.

Appointed as Director of the National Film Institute (INC) in 1983, Antín managed a crucial transformation for the industry: the elimination of the Cinematographic Qualification Entity, the entity responsible for censorship during the military dictatorship in Argentina. This measure, promoted by the first decree of President Raúl Alfonsín, allowed filmmakers to exercise their work with greater freedom of expression and create works without arbitrary political restrictions.

Antín's influence in the INC was not limited to the eradication of censorship. He also promoted the reopening of film schools and the creation of the Image and Sound Career at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), in collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FADU). In addition, his work as a teacher and promoter of new voices in cinema was fundamental for the growth and diversification of national cinema.

Manuel Antín not only stood out on the big screen; he also ventured into other cultural fields as a novelist, poet and playwright. His literary work, like his films, covered various themes and styles, consolidating him as a multifaceted figure in Argentine culture.

Throughout his life, Antín was acclaimed for his ability to manage cultural institutions and promote young talent. His commitment to the education and training of filmmakers was a distinctive feature of his career, the legacy of which is kept alive at the Universidad del Cine and in the various generations of filmmakers who were trained under his tutelage.

Manuel Carlos Antín will always be remembered for his contribution to the culture and cinema of Argentina. His departure marks the end of an era, but his legacy will live on over time. Antín remains a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Argentina, a recognition that underscores his significant contribution to the seventh art.

ANTIN, Manuel (Manuel Carlos Antin)

Born: 2/27/1926, Las Palmas, Chaco, Argentina

Died: 9/5/2024, Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Manuel Atin’s western- producer, director, writer:

Don Segundo Sombra - 1969

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